mare - определение. Что такое mare
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Что (кто) такое mare - определение

Mare (island); Maré; Ile Mare; Ile mare; Maré, New Caledonia; Tadine
  • Cap Wabao on Maré, showing the rough coral rock (foreground) and narrow fringing reef. The high, flat peak of Cap Wabao in the background is a former reef islet. The characteristic [[Araucaria]] trees cover most flat land near the sea.

  • Illustration of a cross-section of the birth process, though the foal in the womb has a leg back, illustrating a problem delivery
  • Mares can be used in any equestrian sport and have competed successfully against males. [[Zenyatta]], winner of the 2009 [[Breeders' Cup Classic]], racing in the [[Lady's Secret Stakes]].
Mare (horseracing); Mair (horse); Mares; Broodmare; Broodmares; Mare (horse); Dam (horse); Brood mare
·noun The female of the horse and other equine quadrupeds.
II. Mare ·noun Sighing, suffocative panting, intercepted utterance, with a sense of pressure across the chest, occurring during sleep; the incubus;
- obsolete, except in the compound nightmare.
  • Illustration of a cross-section of the birth process, though the foal in the womb has a leg back, illustrating a problem delivery
  • Mares can be used in any equestrian sport and have competed successfully against males. [[Zenyatta]], winner of the 2009 [[Breeders' Cup Classic]], racing in the [[Lady's Secret Stakes]].
Mare (horseracing); Mair (horse); Mares; Broodmare; Broodmares; Mare (horse); Dam (horse); Brood mare
A mare is an adult female horse.
  • Illustration of a cross-section of the birth process, though the foal in the womb has a leg back, illustrating a problem delivery
  • Mares can be used in any equestrian sport and have competed successfully against males. [[Zenyatta]], winner of the 2009 [[Breeders' Cup Classic]], racing in the [[Lady's Secret Stakes]].
Mare (horseracing); Mair (horse); Mares; Broodmare; Broodmares; Mare (horse); Dam (horse); Brood mare
Female horse.


Maré Island

Maré Island or Nengone (French: Île de Maré) is the second-largest of the Loyalty Islands, in the archipelago of New Caledonia, an overseas territory of France in the Pacific Ocean. The island is part of the commune (municipality) of Maré, in the Loyalty Islands Province of New Caledonia.

Примеры произношения для mare
1. Sapore di Mare.
Food As The Great Connector _ Chef Michael Schlow _ Talks at Google
2. it was a 'mare.
Chef Adrian _ Adrian Martin _ Talks at Google
3. Titan Mare Explorer Mission--
Science & Technology to Explore the Seas of Titan _ Talks at Google
4. of "Mare Liberum."
The Outlaw Ocean _ Ian Urbina _ Talks at Google
5. there's this notion of "Mare Liberum," which
The Outlaw Ocean _ Ian Urbina _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для mare
1. Mrs Farrell said: "First of all they get a mare in season to arouse the stallions, then they take the mare away and the fighting begins.
2. Lord Archer of Weston–super–Mare was never a minister.
3. When the magma cooled, it created dark patches on the moon called "lunar maria" or "lunar seas." During a full moon, some of these patches combine to form what looks like a grinning human face, commonly known as the "Man in the Moon." The man‘s eyes are the Mare Imbrium and Mare Serenitatis, its nose is the Sinus Aestuum and its grinning mouth is the Mare Nubium and Mare Cognitum.
4. Putin arrived at the Pratica di Mare air base near Rome on Tuesday afternoon.
5. An embryo was grown in an incubator before it was transferred to a mare.